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The mission of the Scandinavian Bakery and Coffee House is to share the care and inspiration that come with traditional Scandinavian pastry and baked goods with the rest of the world. In order to accomplish this it is vital for us to be close to our customers. We thus rely on a franchise business model to help us settle throughout widespread communities.

We are constantly seeking new partners who are passionate and eager to bring a piece of our heart to their community through franchising. These partners will be entitled to:

  • Single, multi-unit, and/or co-branding bakery franchise.
  • Efficient, customizable bakery designs to maximize return on investment.
  • Dedicated and passionate franchise support from The Scandinavian Co.


The Scandinavian Co. partners are store owners who excel in the foodservice environment and are eager to give back to their community by purchasing one or multiple Scandinavian Bakery and Coffee House franchise licenses.

With our partners we share the common goal of providing characteristic Scandinavian care and unique tasting experiences to all corners of the world.

In order to join our family, potential partners are required to have:

  • Restaurant management experience as an owner and /or operator.
  • Enthusiasm and passion for owning their own The Scandinavian Co franchise and creating lasting memories for their guests.
  • Enjoy giving back to their communities.



All of our partners are part of our store-in-a-box program which grants them access to previously designed and meticulously established guidelines and services to help set up and manage their business.

Our partner manuals provide guidelines for the following:

1. Store set-up

  • Store location hunting
  • Store architecture and interior design
  • Store equipment
  • Product placement
  • Store ambiance: sanitation,
    aroma and sound
  • Store maintenance

2. Product Manipulation

  • Product ordering
  • Product storage and preservation
  • Product baking and treatment
  • Product placement and showcase
  • Product delivery

3. Operational procedures

  • Required staff members
  • Staff recruitment
  • Staff management, hierarchy,
    assigned roles, assigned duties.
  • Staff training
  • Staff performance tracking system
    (internal KPI system)

4. Branding and Marketing

  • Brand identity management
  • Social media usage
    (for Facebook and Instagram)
  • Online marketing
  • Media usage
    (free and paid media presence)

Once a partner’s store is up and running our team will drop in and visit for on-site audits to help certify quality and profitability. Through these audits, partners will be able to identify which areas their stores need to improve in order for their business to run smoothly. Compliance and communication can be remotely monitored and managed through an internal KPI system.



In order to join our system, potential partners are required to contact us via email. Fill in the following application (download here) and send it to our email franchising@scandinavian.com, providing information on their background and the reason behind their interest in our brand.

Once we establish contact with potential partners, we will send the detailed information on our franchising requirements addressing any initial concerns and questions. Our terms of agreement are variable and established on a case by case basis.


Potential partners will also be required to invest in their specific store’s set-up. In order to find more information on this, contact us here

These requirements are applicable for franchises inside and outside the U.S.

For partners interested in operating in the United States but are not American citizens, we have a custom-made franchise program for such unique situations. Depending on each of our partners particular circumstances, our program supports investments that help obtain a permanent residence through the L1, EB5 or E2 visa.

For more information on this, please contact us here

Franchising is momentarily unavailable in territories outside of the U.S.
For licencing and other opportunities of interest for LATAM region contact us here.